Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Pet peeves

Ok, here we go!! My biggest pet peeve is what I call "nit pickin' noises". You know what I mean, rattling change in your pocket, tapping your fingers on the table, jingling your keys, and things like that. Those noises just seem to go through my soul like someone dragging their fingernails across a chalkboard! Another one is, why should there be any question at all about ENGLISH being the official language of this country? Why should road signs be bilingual and why should my tax dollars fund bilingual services in government offices. My theory, if you cannot speak the language do not come to this country to live. I certainly do not recall any special language features being provided for the italians, greeks, and other immigrants that came through Ellis Island, they learned the language!! Bottom line, why should I have to press 1 for english, after all it is my national language. I do not mean to offend anyone of any nationally, but this is the United States of America and the language is ENGLISH!

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